Known Issues

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Adobe no longer supports their flash player; therefore, some learning @Xerox courses may not play properly. Please send an email to for inquiries. You can read more here, regarding the end of support for the flash player.

Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 are no longer supported browsers. Although you may find that some courses work properly in Internet Explorer 11, for optimal experience we recommend that you use the latest version of Chrome.
You may find that some courses which you completed prior to October 27, 2018, do not have a Start Learning button. You may still be able to launch them by clicking on the Actions menu and clicking on View All Offerings.
The minimum required resolution to use Learning@Xerox is 1280x1024.

You may not experience any issues when navigating Learning@Xerox using a device with smaller resolution. However, we have seen some parts of the interface that truncate the content on the screen. In that case, you may be able to reduce the zoom on your browser for a better experience.
All of Learning@Xerox is accessible using the public Internet.

If you are not in a Xerox facility, it is possible for your Internet access to be restricted by a firewall, proxy server, and/or other VPN. If this is the case, you can try accessing Learning@Xerox using a different Internet Service Provider (such as from home). If you are at a site which uses a proxy white list, please ask your site network administrator to contact the Learning@Xerox help desk if your network administrator requires further assistance to unblock Learning@Xerox at your site.
Learners have reported problems with e-learning courses not tracking or completing properly when connected to internet with Cisco Any Connect VPN. A VPN can slow down the user’s connectivity and it may impact the communication between their computer and the learning server. If you run into similar issues, please disconnect the VPN and try the course again.

*NOTE: Per Xerox Information Security guidelines, users are still required to connect through a VPN when they are using public internet networks. If you are in a location where you are connected to a public network, please try taking the course later when you are connected through a private network.